What it’s all about

The New System Alliance presents an opportunity to change the failing systems encountered by people going through tough times by creating an environment that allows people to have choice and control over their lives. We believe this can be achieved by adopting a Person-led, Transitional and Strength-based response to tough times.

In order for this response to emerge and succeed, the right environment and culture must exist. The fundamentals for this are shown below and were identified following years of listening and learning from the reality of people’s lives.

Strengths-based support

New System Alliance are committed to creating a paradigm shift through our strength based and person led way of working. This practice is based on core principles initially developed by Mayday Trust through their ‘PTS Response’ and adapted by New System Alliance.  The underpinning principles of our practice are:

  1. Seeing the whole person: we avoid form-filling, assumptions, eligibility criteria and targets. We start with strengths and potential and we build trusting relationships.
  2. Being led by the person without ‘fixing’: tough times shouldn’t be permanent, but we stick with people for as long as they want. We listen and respond to need that unlocks change.
  3. Building connection and community: empowering people to build their personal networks and access resources and to challenge systems which are hindering them.

New System Allies are using these principles to develop their own strength based support models and influence systems change through doing.

Strengths-based organisations and local areas

To create deeper, more equal and strengths-based support relationships, organisations need to change more than just the services they offer. Organisations in the New System Alliance can access support to rethink every aspect of their service from the inside out. And commissioners can get help with commissioning for sustainable, high-quality strengths-based services. You can access help with:
  • A new kind of listening exercise, without set agendas.
  • System reflects sessions which introduce strengths-based thinking to teams.
  • Support to self-assess as an organisation or area, and to identify options and a plan.
  • Help to recruit, train and support PTS coaches, or other strengths-based workers.
  • Ongoing support for teams and their leaders to deliver or commission a new approach.
  • Support with strengths-based approaches to data collection and outcome measuring

Discover organisations strength based approach and more about the impact of this work.

Strengths-based support

New System Alliance are committed to creating a paradigm shift through our strength based and person led way of working. This practice is based on core principles initially developed by Mayday Trust through their ‘PTS Response’ and adapted by New System Alliance.  The underpinning principles of our practice are:

  1. Seeing the whole person: we avoid form-filling, assumptions, eligibility criteria and targets. We start with strengths and potential and we build trusting relationships.
  2. Being led by the person without ‘fixing’: tough times shouldn’t be permanent, but we stick with people for as long as they want. We listen and respond to need that unlocks change.
  3. Building connection and community: empowering people to build their personal networks and access resources and to challenge systems which are hindering them.

New System Allies are using these principles to develop their own strength based support models and influence systems change through doing.

Strengths-based organisations and local areas

To create deeper, more equal and strengths-based support relationships, organisations need to change more than just the services they offer. Organisations in the New System Alliance can access support to rethink every aspect of their service from the inside out. And commissioners can get help with commissioning for sustainable, high-quality strengths-based services. You can access help with:
  • A new kind of listening exercise, without set agendas.
  • System reflects sessions which introduce strengths-based thinking to teams.
  • Support to self-assess as an organisation or area, and to identify options and a plan.
  • Help to recruit, train and support PTS coaches, or other strengths-based workers.
  • Ongoing support for teams and their leaders to deliver or commission a new approach.
  • Support with strengths-based approaches to data collection and outcome measuring

Discover organisations strength based approach and more about the impact of this work.